About the Fair

1 - 2 November 2023.


The International Days of Energy and Investments (MDEI) is the largest forum for foreign and domestic projects. Expert meetings, where the most current topics are discussed, with the participation of leading experts from the country and abroad. The expert meetings are followed by the exhibition part of the manifestation, in which companies, institutions, and local governments with projects in the field of energy are presented.

The partner city of the International Days of Energy and Investments is the City of Novi Sad, and the event is organized by the Novi Sad Fair with the support of the Provincial Secretariat for Energy, Construction, and Transport, in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development ( USAID).


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The main goals of Energy Day are to:

  • encourage business contacts and cooperation of all relevant actors in the field of energy and the local development sector in Serbia and the Region
  • enable potential investors to get acquainted with investment projects and stimulate greater investment
  • presentations of advanced technologies and forms of financing energy projects
  • contribute to the activation of renewable energy sources and environmentally conscious construction of buildings
  • position the topic of climate change in the public's mind as one of the most important today

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  • Housing communities and the green agenda
  • Financing mechanisms as drivers of energy renovation of residential buildings
  • Just transition – energy poverty and social issues
  • Improving air quality - energy supply and the "E-footprint" of buildings


  • sustainable energy professionals
  • representatives of the public sector from the Republican, Provincial, and local levels
  • international and domestic financial and development
  • institutions and organizations
  • companies
  • young innovators
  • the media

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Ten expert meetings, panel discussions, and workshops were held, at which it was heard that 85% of residential buildings in Serbia do not meet the minimum requirements for energy efficiency, as shown by research, and that the current state of the housing stock speaks in favor of Serbia being the largest energy saver can be achieved in the construction sector.

On the first day, in the organization of the USAID project in Serbia - "Better Energy", it was discussed about improving the energy efficiency of public buildings in Vojvodina, retrofitting, renewable energy in district heating in Serbia, energy efficiency in residential buildings - financing.

The focus of the second day, organized by the Association of Renewable Energy Sources, was to find answers to questions about how to get new green kilowatts from wind and solar energy, as well as discussions about the challenges of financing RES projects and solarization of Serbia (prosumers from the point of view of citizens and companies, small and large solar farms). Special attention was paid to students and students in their final years of secondary school, who were allowed to learn first-hand about the elements of work in the sector of renewable energy sources (RES). Workshops were organized with examples from practice on how to develop, build and operate a wind farm, as well as an insight into the view from the point of view of the electric power company ELNOS Group.

One of the topics of the workshops was working on RES projects from a female perspective.

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The Energy and Investments Days at the Novi Sad Fair, held in 2022, coincided with the beginning of the campaign to inform the population about energy efficiency and energy saving. It is implemented by the Ministry of Mining and Energy and the USAID project in Serbia "Better Energy", with the support of "EU for you". It was announced that from November 2022, most households will have the opportunity to receive advice on how to reduce electricity consumption through a leaflet with recommendations and information along with their monthly bills. The leaflet contains tips for saving energy.

In addition to those about the use of light bulbs, stoves, washing machines, water heaters, and refrigerators, there are also reminders that, for example, chargers for mobile phones, laptops, and digital cameras, use energy when the devices are charged as well as when they are plugged into an outlet without a device on the other side. the end.

It is not bad to know that the computer monitor consumes about 50% of the total electricity consumed by the entire computer, which is why it is necessary to set the computer to automatically turn on the so-called "stand by" mode of operation after a certain period of non-use.

The participants of the Energy and Investment Days were representatives of the relevant city, provincial, republican, financial institutions, companies, organizations, associations, funds, local governments, professional managers of residential buildings, guests from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, Belgium, Israel, Canada, the United Arab Emirates emirates, North Macedonia, the United States of America, Germany... and representatives of the development project in the field of EE in residential buildings (USAID project "Better Energy").

In the exhibition part of the 11th International Energy and Investments Days companies, institutions, local governments and educational institutions with projects in the field of energy presented themselves.

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