53rd International Fair of Tourism

About the Fair

17 to 19. November 2022.




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The receptive tourism in the region is the key focus of the International Fair of Tourism in order to enable presentation of the regional offer to distant markets and to bring foreign tourists to the region of the Danube countries.


  • • B2B POINT – the opportunity for business meetings, getting to know professional customers, as well as for connecting with distant markets. It is organised for all exhibitors - providers of services in tourism.
    • INITIATIVES IN TOURISM – the presentation of possibilities for financing programmes, projects and initiatives for the development of the tourist offer.
    • CAREER DAYS IN TOURISM – the supply and demand of jobs in tourism (hotels, hospitality facilities, restaurants, meetings students, workers in the tourism and hospitality sector and others who wish to participate in the tourism work force).
    • FOCUS ON CHOICES – the offer of packages given by travel agencies, ski centres, hotels, etc.
    • TOURIST OMNIBUS: training courses - presentations - promotions:
    ◦ In the Congress Centre of the Novi Sad Fair
    ◦ At stands of exhibitors
    ◦ At positions for digital travel in the hall of the Fair and
    ◦ At the Virtual Fair of Tourism on the Platform ExpoOnline.rs
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    • • RECOGNITIONS FOR ACHIEVEMENTS IN TOURISM - medals, charters, trophies – will be awarded for top results in the field of tourism in accordance with the assessment of the Commission, which will be formed by the Novi Sad Fair. The evaluation will be organised before the Fair of Tourism. The Commission will announce the results during the event when awards will be given.
      • HORECA HUB – the unit in which providers of equipment and accessories for hotels, restaurants and cafes are presented, but also the place where meetings with professional customers (investors in hotel and hospitality facilities, architects, designers, etc.) are organised.
      • GASTRONOMY CHALLENGES – the segment in which the gastronomy offer of the region will be shown accompanied by the presentation of food and beverage producers and professional chefs, waiters, bartenders, confectioners, etc., who will compete in front of domestic and international judges and public.
      • ACTIVISM FOR TOURISM – the presentation of civil initiatives important for valorisation, preservation and promotion of tourist values.
      • DIGITAL TRAVEL - created as the segment of the online offer and for booking of accommodation capacities, but also for the virtual presentation of potential adventures at selected destinations.

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The presentation of 10 groups of participants from the country and abroad has been announced:

  • · Travel agencies, tour operators, subagents
    · Tourist facilities (hotels, resorts, pensions, hostels, etc.)
    · Tourist organisations at all levels,
    · Public administration in the function of tourism,
    · Branch and professional associations, unions, societies and other organisations,
    · Producers and traders of the HORECA programme,
    · Food and beverage producers and traders,
    · Academic community and scientific and educational institutions,
    · Insurance companies and financial institutions
    · Media




So far, the traditional International Fair of Tourism has been one of the pillars of the LORIST fairs and from this year, not only that it will be organised as an independent event, but it will also be visible on the platform of the Novi Sad Fair, ExpoOnline.rs.


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...before the winter season
...and as the first offer for the 2023 summer
...balneal, spa and wellness destinations in the region
...business trips
...tourist offer of cities
...gastronomy offer
...HORECA assortment
...IT solutions for tourism
...careers in tourism
...and contacts with foreign tour operators

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For the first time, the International Fair of Tourism will be held in a hybrid environment (in the real space of the Novi Sad Fair and in the virtual space of the ExpoOnline.rs Platform).
From the date the participation at the Fair has been agreed until the end of 2022, exhibitors will receive the following:
· Virtual stand,
· Possibilities for showing promotional videos and photo materials,
· Space for showing sales offers,
· As well as information about participants;
· Arrangement of B2B meetings with visitors who cannot be physically present during the event;
· Information about registered participants and visitors for direct communication and promotion.


Complete interaction with visitors and other participants will be provided during events at the Novi Sad Fair from 17th to 19th November and exhibitors’ offers will be visible to the public until the end of the year.

Hosted Buyer Programme has been created and devised as the integral part of the Fair since 2017 in order to enable exhibitors to meet with tour operators from abroad and to create opportunities for guests of the Fair to get to know and experience Novi Sad, its surroundings and specificities of our region.

The First Day of the Fair, 17th November, is also the International Students’ Day and it is the Fair’s desire to dedicate it in a special way to young people and to the offer for young people. Suggestions, ideas and initiatives for your involvement in the offer can be sent to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Representatives of trade unions are the part of business audience and organised visits to the Fair and business meetings with participants who offer facilities for relaxation and accommodation of employees have been arranged for them.

Pensioners' associations have been contacted in order to enable travel arrangements for members of relevant organisations.

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The Conference “Current Trends in Tourism and Hospitality – CTTH” will be the first in the series of events planned during the Fair of Tourism in the Congress Centre of the Fair. The CTTH will be organised by the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, and central topics will be dedicated to researches in tourism, leisure, hotel industry, hunting tourism, gastronomy and multidisciplinary studies such as events and congress industry, entrepreneurship in hospitality, creative industries, etc.

Thematic workshops and trainings courses during the Fair will be focused on three key topics:
· Financing in tourism
· Creative industries and tourist offers
· IT support for the development of tourism.

Your suggestions, ideas and initiatives for topics and lecturers can be sent to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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