Women cadets from the Military Academy in Belgrade, together with lieutenant colonel of the Serbian Armed Forces Srboljub Nikolić, visited the 90th International Agricultural Fair and toured the exhibition stand with the General Manager of the Novi Sad Fair Slobodan Cvetković.
- What 26 countries have to offer, from specialised equipment for agriculture, mechanization, state-of-the-art technology, organic food, various novelties, specialized exhibitions, to the complete food supply chain and the future of nutrition, the cadets of the Military Academy can see in one place, at the International Agricultural Fair, and confirm their theoretical knowledge in practice, said Cvetković.
According to lieutenant colonel Nikolić, the Military Academy cadets are experienced in logistics, which is very important to agriculture, which is the main reason why the cadets have arrived to visit the Agricultural Fair.
This claim has been confirmed, since nine cadets, fourth-year students of the Military Academy, department of general logistics, toured the stands and realized that the knowledge they had a wide application and that they could help citizens in various circumstances, from doing agricultural work to providing aid during floods, droughts...