Family day – right decision of the Novi Sad Fair

Traditionally, each Wednesday at the International Agricultural Fair, and this year’s 90th edition was no exception, is reserved for families.

That means that families with children under 14, regardless of their number, could visit the Fair with one purchased ticket. Once again, this decision of the Novi Sad Fair to allow such discount proved to be correct, since Wednesdays have for years been the most cheerful and most colourful days during the event. The Fair was again packed with visitors and children, who were most interested in animals, but also in agricultural machines, especially harvesters and tractors, as well as workshops, where they had a chance to meet their peers…

- I was at a workshop by the lake, we drew plants, examined seeds and learnt about fruit and vegetables, says 5-year-old Miloš from Vrbas, who visited the Fair for the first time this year, accompanied by his older sister Lara and parents. – It was interesting, I meet some new friends. I also saw Petar from my kindergarten group. We’re going together to see the horses, cows, sheep…

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For many young visitors, this event was the first opportunity to see domestic animals, agricultural mechanization or learn how seeds grow to be fruit, vegetables or bread…

- This is actually a wonderful opportunity to show children how people used to live off agriculture and what it looks like now, says Marina Bandić, a mum from Novi Sad, who visited the Fair with her husband and two daughters, who attend the first and third grade, respectively. – We try to visit the Fair each year, because children can’t learn much from just one visit. We need to regularly talk to them about how food is made, why we shouldn’t throw it away, what a healthy environment is and how to preserve it. We try to teach Lenka and Sara as much as possible as early as possible and the Fair is an amazing classroom. What’s more, it is also a venue where you can sample a lot of fine, homemade food and see many novelties, so I hope that Lenka and Sara, who love chocolate more than anything else, will try organic dark chocolate.

- I spent time with sheep, there are some baby sheep there, so I patted some of them, says Nera, a first-grade student from Nova Pazova, whose grandparents live in a village. – They breed goats, so I feed them and when a baby goat is born, I give it a name. When I grow up, I’d like to be an animal doctor.

Not even the rain, which was falling for a short time, could spoil the fun of visiting the 90th International Agricultural Fair.

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