The president of the Assembly of Vojvodina Istvan Pasztor visits 90th international agricultural fair

The President of the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Istvan Pasztor visited the jubilee 90th International Agricultural Fair yesterday and toured the stands of institutions in the “Master” Hall, KITE, Ltd. and exhibitors from Hungary in Hall 2, accompanied by the General Manager of the Novi Sad Fair Slobodan Cvetković.

- I personally find these days during the fair in May very important, because I like to come to the Agricultural Fair, especially since they are celebrating important jubilees this year – 100 years of the Novi Sad Fair and the 90th Agricultural Fair. These jubilees are a commitment and legacy for us, as well as for future generations, Pasztor said. – The International Agricultural Fair is an event that provides so much to agriculture, not only in Serbia, but in the region too, which means it is valuable and deserves to exist forever. This event shows the latest trends in agriculture, helps producers and businesspeople learn about novelties in a number of fields, and it is also a venue where supply meets demand, where businesspeople meet and contacts are established… The Novi Sad Fair has done everything in its power to offer a varied program, organize this event and present all current trends in agriculture, including mechanization, livestock, new technologies… all the latest and best is here in Novi Sad. It is important to continue with this event, so that what is exhibited today can tomorrow reach those it is aimed for – farmers. That is how this very important branch of economy will improve and develop. That is also why all relevant state institutions are here – the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, provincial secretariats, organizations providing support to farmers – which means the continuity is present and the event is at a very high level.

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According to the General Manager of the Novi Sad Fair, this year’s International Agricultural Fair has gathered exhibitors from 26 countries, including Hungary. He informed Pasztor about previous activities and emphasized he was very satisfied with the business aspect of the Fair, because numerous arrangements have been agreed, business contacts established, while a significant part of the exhibited mechanization has new owners.

- The cooperation with the exhibitors from Hungary is remarkably long and fruitful, which is confirmed by the fact that 26 companies from this country are present in Hall 2, offering products and services in various fields. I am certain that this cooperation will be even more extensive in the future, to mutual satisfaction and benefit, said Cvetković.


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