A Grand Opening and a Grander Exposition

The biggest agricultural exposition in Southeast Europe - the 85th Annual International Agricultural Fair -  has thrown opened its gates. For the next seven day, the 2018 IAF Novi Sad will continue to be a marketplace and a celebration of all things agriculture.

The Minister of agriculture, forestry and water management Branislav Nedimovic helped open the Fair while the grand opening ceremony guest list included Novi Sad Fair CEO Slobodan Cvetkovic, City Mayor Milos Vucevic, Provincial Secretary of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Vuk Radojevic, the Minister of Climate Change and Environment for the United Arab Emirates Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi and Ambassador of France to Serbia H.E. Frédéric Mondoloni.        

In his speech at the opening ceremony yesterday, Nedimovic said that ”he was going to speak from the heart” and thanked his host for giving him an opportunity to say a few words. ”As I was driving to Novi Sad I couldn’t help but feel excitement seeing the fields all along the road abundant with crops. At that point, I knew it was going to be a good year for farmers”, he stated, ”I was also glad to hear the Fair has brought a great number of farmers looking to purchase agricultural machinery.” The minister said Agricultural Fair and IMT are the symbols of Serbian agriculture.      

 In welcoming the guests and visitors to the show, Novi Sad Fair CEO Slobodan Cvetkovic said that the company celebrates several important anniversaries this year — 85th corporate anniversary, 130th anniversary of the first quality assurance event and 60th anniversary of being a UFI and IAAE member.        

”We have been in this business for 85 years now, we’ve got a lot of valued customers and a vast expertise in providing them quality information and products. When the company was first founded, we were a runaway success and a game changer for the City of Novi Sad, we’ve done really well and that’s something Novi Sad, Vojvodina and the rest of the country can be proud of. Our vision, as the longest running company of its kind in the country, is to continue progressing towards the leadership position. We’re committed to being at the forefront of innovative practices and initiatives. With as many as 1,500 exhibitors, rendering products and services from over 60 different countries, it’s by far the most important tradeshow on the agenda in Southeast Europe”.        

France is this year’s IAF Partner country. Provincial Secretary of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Vuk Radojevic said Serbian-French foreign trade data cannot be regarded as satisfactory, but he hoped for the unlucky numbers to change. ”We are definitely going to seize this opportunity to strengthen economic cooperation with France. Two things are vital to agricultural growth: forming farmers’ co-ops and innovation in agricultural science and application, if we want to gain competitive advantage on European markets. Considerable resources have been put into agricultural irrigation projects and we’re hoping to have that started soon. Commenting at the opening ceremony of the 85th Annual International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, Novi Sad Mayor Milos Vucevic said: ”I’m very much pleased to see 2018 IAF Novi Sad bring together the interests of business, the state, the City, science and the wider community with an aim of promoting, developing and internalizing the country’s economy.

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