About the Fair

6 - 7 November 2024.

Congress Center "Master" of the Novi Sad Fair


On November 6 and 7, the "Master" Congress Center of the Novi Sad Fair will host exhibitors, panelists, experts, and the general public at the 13th International Days of Energy and Investments, the largest forum for foreign and domestic projects, in which the most current topics from those areas.

The goal of the forum is to raise awareness among citizens and present existing programs and initiatives. Those interested will be given the opportunity to receive information about energy efficiency and sustainable energy, ways for more rational use of energy in households, energy-efficient technologies, ways of preparing and executing projects, and available financing mechanisms...

The expert meetings are followed by the exhibition part of the manifestation, in which companies, institutions, and local governments with projects in the field of energy are presented.

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The Partner city of the International Days of Energy and Investments is the City of Novi Sad, and the event is organized by the Novi Sad Fair with the support of the Provincial Secretariat for Energy, Construction, and Transport, in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development ( USAID).

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The main goals of Energy Day are to:

  • encourage business contacts and cooperation of all relevant actors in the field of energy and the local development sector in Serbia and the Region
  • enable potential investors to get acquainted with investment projects and stimulate greater investment
  • presentations of advanced technologies and forms of financing energy projects
  • contribute to the activation of renewable energy sources and environmentally conscious construction of buildings
  • position the topic of climate change in the public's mind as one of the most important today

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  • sustainable energy professionals
  • representatives of the public sector from the Republican, Provincial, and local levels
  • international and domestic financial and development
  • institutions and organizations
  • companies
  • young innovators
  • the media
  • ...


On the first day, two panels were held on Just Transition - energy poverty and social issues and Improving Air Quality - energy supply.

The discussions also included fair initiatives of the Energy Community and the involvement of Serbia - support on the way to a just transition, energy poverty in Serbia - status and required actions, gender equality, and vulnerable categories of the population (whether they are treated through energy efficiency and renewable sources) and the role of society in climate change.

The topics of the first day were the biggest causes of air pollution - individual fireplaces and inefficient heating systems, the strategic goal of the state - support programs and campaigns, initiatives of local governments to improve air quality - solving the problems of individual fireplaces, heating plant initiatives, optimization of energy production and consumption, as well as digital platform of the main air polluters - cadastre of individual furnaces and boiler rooms and "E-footprint" of buildings.

Examples of good practices of just transition in the region are also listed.

The speakers during the first day were representatives of the Cabinet of Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia, the Energy Community, the Ministry of Energy and Mining of the Republic of Srpska, the International Labor Organization, the Olof Palma International Center, the Energy Community, CARI, Valjeva and Pirota, RES Foundation, an independent international expert on energy efficiency, journalists, Business Association "Serbia Heating Plant", PUK "Novosadska toplana", Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade...

On the same day, an award for an outstanding woman in the field of EE of residential buildings was awarded, and several open presentations were held. They included the initiative of the region for clean air (CARI), energy efficiency in central government buildings in Serbia, promotion of renewable energy sources, and energy efficiency in Serbia - "customer-producer" models and pilot projects.

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Signed Memorandum of Understanding

At the Novi Sad Fair on November 1, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the City of Novi Sad and the Representative Office of Chemonics International, which implements the USAID project called "Better Energy".

The goal of the project is to primarily enable residential communities and city heating plants to adopt good practices in the field of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. The memorandum of understanding was signed by the member of the City Council for property and property-legal affairs, environmental protection, sustainable development, and energy efficiency, Mira Radenović, and the director of the USAID project "Better Energy", Lena Bratić.

The American Agency for International Development project "Better Energy" is worth 10 million dinars and will be implemented from 2021 to 2026.

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Energy Agency of the City of Novi Sad on future projects

The Energy Agency of the City of Novi Sad, which actively participates in the preparation and implementation of projects related to the improvement of energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources, and environmental protection, also took part in the International Days of Energy and Investments.

They presented themselves at the stand of the City of Novi Sad with projects related to renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.

At the Fair, the Energy Agency organized workshops for the youngest, where they talked about the correct consumption and saving of energy.

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On the second day, panel discussions were devoted to residential communities and the green agenda and financing mechanisms as drivers of energy renovation of residential buildings.

They also talked about the energy efficiency of residential buildings in Serbia - state and potential, the long-term strategy of energy renovation of buildings - residential buildings, goals, and implementation, the role of the residential community, awareness, inclusion, and information, the role of building managers - capacities, opportunities and status, information centers and digital platform - integration of all actors and processes. The topics were existing financing models and available financial mechanisms for energy renovation of residential buildings, energy renovation initiatives of local governments, commercial banks and their role in programs for energy renovation of residential buildings, examples of financing models and financial mechanisms for energy renovation of residential buildings in the region and necessary actions and plans on the way to the systematic energy renovation of residential buildings in Serbia.

The speakers were representatives of the Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Construction, Transport, and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia, the Provincial Secretariat for Energy, Construction, and Transport, the Municipality of Kula, the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, Infinity Global Consulting, the "Initiative" Association for better housing", Valjevo Housing Community, Federal Energy Management Program, US Department of Energy, Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency of Republika Srpska, Postal Savings Bank, Banks, National Consumer Organization of Serbia, Fire Brigade Association of Vojvodina and Fire Brigade Association of the City of Novi Sad.

Open presentations: Facade and floor solar panels & Solar power plant solutions for smart cities, Energy rehabilitation of multi-apartment buildings - EBRD approach, Housing community financing mechanisms and examples of good practice from the region and the world, Energy info center Kula, Clean energy and energy efficiency for citizens in Serbia (SURCE project), fire protection in residential communities.


The participants of the Day of Energy and Investments were representatives of the relevant city, provincial, republican, financial institutions, companies, organizations, associations, funds, local governments, professional managers of residential buildings, and guests from the region and abroad...

In the exhibition part of the 12th International Days of Energy and Investments, companies, institutions, local governments and educational institutions with projects in the field of energy presented themselves.


In parallel with the 12th International ENERGY AND INVESTMENT DAYS, the Fair of ECOLOGY was held.

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SE Dobitnici 2112023 440 SE Deca 2112023 440

The International Days of Energy and Investments (MDEI) is the largest forum for foreign and domestic projects. Expert meetings are where the most current topics are discussed, with the participation of leading experts from the country and abroad. The expert meetings are followed by the exhibition part of the manifestation, in which companies, institutions, and local governments with projects in the field of energy are presented.



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