About the Fair

28th - 30th November


The participation at the Novi Sad International Fair of Tourism is an opportunity for new perspectives of offers and trends in tourism, and this event is your space and a possibility to do business, get to know and connect with clients, colleagues, associates, partners, pupils and students, media and with the widest audience.

The International Fair of Tourism at the Novi Sad Fair is the opportunity to::

  • Sell - tourist packages, capacities, products, and solutions, etc. in and for tourism,
  • Get to know - new business partners and customers,
  • Offer vacant jobs to interested visitors,
  • Recruit and select candidates who best fit into job requirements,
  • Attract visitors - with a new and special offer, strong message, open communication, new job opportunities, etc.,
  • Cultivate relationships - with previous clients, colleagues, media and other target groups,
  • Increase the awareness of the brand,
  • Educate customers,
  • Strengthen capacities through cooperation with educational institutions that train human resources for tourism,
  • Research markets,
  • Test – ideas, concepts, services, market perception, etc.

The International Fair of Tourism is directed towards intersectoral connection of business, public and civil sectors that operate in tourism and for tourism, and every new event of this type is the opportunity for new experiences not only for participants but also for visitors.


sajam turizma 2Exhibitors will take part in thematic units and there will be 10 groups of participants from the country and abroad such as:

  • Travel agencies, tour operators, subagents,
  • Tourist facilities (hotels, resorts, boarding houses, hostels, etc.),
  • Tourism organisations at all levels,
  • Public administrations operating in the field of tourism,
  • Sectoral and professional associations, societies and other organisations,
  • HORECA Programme,
  • Manufacturers and sellers of equipment and accessories for hospitality and hotel industry,
  • Academic community and scientific and educational institutions,
  • Insurance companies and financial institutions, and
  • Media.

Extending regional cooperation as one of prerequisites for the participation at the single market of the European Union, as well as at other markets, is one of objectives of the Fair of Tourism and business connection of participants.

B2B meetings on the first and on the second day of the Fair, on 28th and 29th of November, are direct possibility to find new partners, to discuss with existing and future business customers, but also to make agreements for future cooperation immediately. With this aim, a platform will be prepared for the presentation of exhibitors and business audience, for identification of potentially interested parties and for setting up dates for meetings at the exhibitors' stands and in the area intended for business meetings.

THE HOSTED BUYER PROGRAMME, which is realised together by the Novi Sad Tourism Organisation and the Novi Sad Fair, will also be prepared this year and it will be the opportunity for discussions exclusively with exhibitors and selected business visitors from abroad that we are going to invite to the Novi Sad Fair.

One of focuses of the Fair of Tourism in Novi Sad is to provide answers to requirements and problems of the labour market in tourism. The Tourism Career Day on Saturday 30th November will be focused on the supply and demand of the work force in hospitality and hotel industry and/or in tourism generally.


sajam turizma 4...Winter season 2024/2025,
...Offers for summer 2025,
...New year's eve packages,
...Balneal, spa and wellness destinations,
...Business trips,
...Tourist offer of cities,
...Gastronomic offers,
...HORECA assortment, and
...IT solutions for tourism.

These are the part of the offer and the programme announced by already registered exhibitors, and all proposals, ideas and initiatives for richer and more creative Fair can be submitted to the following address
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

sajam turizma 3


turizam brojke



About the Fair

18th - 25th March 2024

Novi Sad Fair

Sponsor of the Jubilee of the Novi Sad Fair - Telekom Srbija

Free entrance!

Working time: 10 am - 20 pm

The international art exhibition ART EXPO promotes the creators of applied art, and brings together artists, galleries, and individuals, along with thematic exhibitions, handicrafts, and antiques. It will be held from March 18 to 25. Academic, educated, and self-taught painters will have the opportunity to present themselves, and it is specific for its sales and promotional nature.

Art Expo 2023 880

For exceptional achievements in fine arts, the Novi Sad Fair awards the "Sava Šumanović" Award for stimulating and effective contribution to the development of artistic ideas on our stage.

 Art Expo 2023 deca 880 

Main features of the ART EXPO

  • Thematic exhibitions
  • Authors
  • Gallerists
  • Art colonies
  • Promotion and sale of artistic handicrafts
  • Sale of antiques
  • "Sava Šumanović" award for achievements in fine arts

 aRT eXPO 2023 3 440 aRT eXPO 2023 2 440


ART EXPO in 2023

One of the highlights of last year's Art Expo was the retrospective exhibition of the works of all the winners of the Sava Šumanović Award, which marked its 25th anniversary in 2023. The display was placed in the Hall of the Novi Sad Fair, and the organizers of the exhibition were: the Gallery "Bel Art", Center for Visual Culture "Zlatno oko" in Novi Sad, and the Novi Sad Fair.

Art Expo 2023 1 880

During this Exhibition, the ceremony for the "Sava Šumanović" Award, which has been given since 1999 for achievements in the fine arts is organized in the Aula of the Novi Sad Fair. Laureate in 2023 is a conceptual artist, performer, poet, and actress from Novi Sad - Katalin Ladik.

 AE 2023 Sava S Katalin Ladik 880 622024



In the jubilee year when the Novi Sad Fair celebrates its century of existence, the Book Fair, the "Art Expo" Art Exhibition, and the "Putokazi" Education Fair saw around 37,000 visitors, which is more than in 2022. There were more than 200 exhibitors from six countries - Serbia, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, and Germany; almost 140 programs were held in which dozens of authors were presented, several anniversaries were marked, current topics were discussed, exhibitions were organized at the exhibitors' stands and more than 500 educational profiles were promoted.

With thematic exhibitions and many fine artists, during seven days, they turned the Aula into a gallery space. At the fairs, they talked about continuing their education abroad, tens of thousands of titles were sold, manuscripts were read and new books by authors were presented to the audience, and during the writers' visits, the publishers ran out of books, and some stands were already reserved for next year. The general impression of the exhibitors is that they are more than satisfied.

The Novi Sad Fair, in cooperation with donors, gave over 500 titles to visitors through the Gift Game. During seven days, RTV informed about the events at the fairs through one-hour broadcasts.

For all events, the Novi Sad Fair has been assisted by partners and friends. The importance of holding the BOOK FAIR, the Exhibition of Art, and the Fair of Education has been recognized by:

  • Ministry of Culture and Information
  • Ministry of Education
  • Provincial Secretariat for Culture, Public Information, and Relations with Religious Communities
  • Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research
  • Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities - National Communities
  • City of Novi Sad
  • City Administration for Education
  • City Administration for Culture
  • Radio and Television of Vojvodina


About Fair

21 - 23 March 2024.

Novi Sad Fair

Sponsor of the Jubilee of the Novi Sad Fair - Telekom Srbija


There is no entrance fee!

Working time: 10 am - 20 pm


The year 2023 was extremely significant for the Novi Sad Fair - it marked 100 years of existence and organized the 90th International Agricultural Fair, as well as the 18th International Fair of Education "Guidelines".

Entering the second century of existence will not bring changes - the Novi Sad Fair will continue to be a place where you gain an advantage! The education fair, primarily intended for students in the final grades of primary and secondary schools in 2024, will be held on March 21 - 23. It will bring together institutions representing more than 500 educational profiles and will provide a comprehensive offer of secondary, higher, and higher education in our country, complemented by the offer of secondary schools and faculties abroad.

 PAK SOP UNS 2023 880 12122023

Features of the Fair of Education GUIDELINES

  • Promotion of more than 500 educational profiles
  • Secondary schools - state and private
  • Higher and higher education
  • Universities - state and private
  • Departmental republican and provincial institutions
  • Newspapers from the field of education in Serbia
  • Scholarship information
  • All about passing the state matura
  • Dual education
  • Presentation of innovative methodologies in education
  • Expert forums dedicated to educational system reforms
  • Awarding of recognition of the Novi Sad Fair for quality
  • Awarding of honorary awards of the Novi Sad Fair

 PAK 2022 5122022 880

GUIDELINES Fair in 2023

The 18th International Fair of Education "Guidelines" made it easier for primary and secondary school students to find the answer to the question "Where to next?".

All higher state schools in Vojvodina presented themselves, and traditionally, all the faculties of the University of Novi Sad, private universities in Serbia and abroad, as well as institutions and institutions that offered more than 500 educational profiles, took part. Students who passed through the gates of the Novi Sad fair had the opportunity to see a comprehensive picture of secondary, higher, and higher education in our country, complemented by the offer of faculties from abroad - Republika Srpska, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia.

Among the participants were the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the Congress Center of the Novi Sad fair, presentations were held on Cyberbullying (bullying) on ​​the Internet, organized by the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities-National Communities and the Pedagogical Institute of Vojvodina.

SOP 2023 za 2024 880  

"Women in science - the key to a better future" is the name of the round table organized jointly by the Association of Female Scientists of Serbia "Srna" and the Provincial Secretariat for Economy, Tourism and Employment along with a series of interactive workshops.

At the stand of the Ministry of Education, dual education was presented, and information on scholarships awarded to pupils and students was available to everyone. The Association of Parents and Teachers "Partnership for Education" from Novi Sad held a round table on the topic "How do research questions trigger deep learning?".

The "WRO - Robot Sports Olympiad" organized by the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities - National Communities was also held in the "Master" Congress Center.

Visitors to the Novi Sad fair had the opportunity to see a comprehensive picture of secondary, higher, and higher education in our country complemented by the offer of faculties from abroad - Republika Srpska, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Canada.

Academy of Commerce champion of the GUIDELINES

On the first day of the Education Fair, awards were presented for the quality of educational institutions. The grand championship cup and the title of absolute champion of the 18th International Fair of education "Guidelines" went to the University of the Academy of Economics in Novi Sad.

The Cup of the Novi Sad Fair was awarded to Preschool Institution "Stonogica" in Sremska Mitrovica, Preschool Institution "Naše Dete" in Šabac, Public Preschool Institution "Bambi" in Tivat, Private Preschool Institution "Pipi Duga Čarapa" in Podgorica and Preschool Institution "Radost" in Novi Banovci.

SOP 2023 Sampioni 12122023 440 

PAK 2023 SOP Racunar 12122023 440

Winners from Čoka and Kanjiža in the Gift-game for schools

During the two days of the Fair of Education, the Novi Sad Fair welcomed many elementary and high school students, and a Gift Game was organized for the schools they came from.
The Chemical and Food High School from Čoka received an ASUS network station as a gift, while the second gift, PANTUM, a multifunctional printer, was given to the Agricultural and Technical High School Center "Besedeš Jožef" from Kanjiža.
The condition for participation was that the schools when entering the "Master" Hall, fill out the registration form and put it in the box at the stand of the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities - National Communities.
81 schools registered in the Gift-game and valuable gifts were provided by the Novi Sad Fair.

The arrival of high school students from Vojvodina to the Fair this year was financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities - National Communities.

The City of Novi Sad recognizes the importance and has been supporting the event of the Fair “Guidelines” from the very beginning. In the 2023 year, it has helped all secondary schools from the territory of the City with almost RSD 1 million to be presented to future students in the best possible way.

On the first day of the Fair of Education, the Job Fair was also been held, where 50 employers offered about 900 jobs.

PAK 2023 SOP Ucenici na Sajmu 12122023 880 

Fairs dedicated to literature, art, and education in 2023

In the jubilee year in which the Novi Sad Fair celebrated its century of existence, the Book Fair, the Art Expo "Art Expo" and the Fair of Education "Guidelines" saw around 37,000 visitors, which is more than in 2022. There were more than 200 exhibitors from six countries - Serbia, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, and Germany; almost 140 programs were held in which dozens of authors were presented, several anniversaries were marked, current topics were discussed, exhibitions were arranged at exhibitors' stands and more than 500 educational profiles were promoted.

Thematic exhibitions and a multitude of fine artists, during seven days, turned the Aula into a gallery space. At the fairs, there was talk about continuing education abroad, tens of thousands of titles were sold, manuscripts were read and new books by authors were presented to the audience, and during the writers' visits, the publishers ran out of books. Some stands are already reserved for next year. The general impression of the exhibitors is that they are more than satisfied. The Novi Sad Fair, in cooperation with donors, gave over 500 titles to visitors through the Gift Game. During seven days, RTV informed about the events at the fairs through one-hour broadcasts.

PAK 2023 Velika sala 440 13122023 PAK 2923 SOP Hala 440 13122023

SK 2023 440 13122023 ART 2023 Aula 440

There was also talk of continuing education abroad, tens of thousands of titles were sold, thematic exhibitions and a multitude of fine artists eight days turned the Aula into a gallery space. The Novi Sad Fair gave away about 400 titles to the visitors in the Gift-game. During eight days, RTV informed about the events at the fairs through half-hourly chronicles.


On the first day of the Fair of Education, the Employment Fair was held, where 58 employers offered about 1,000 jobs.
The international book fair, art exhibition ART EXPO, and education fair "Pathways" were visited by: Edward Ferguson, Ambassador of Great Britain to Serbia, Oskar Bernholz, intern of the Swedish Embassy in Belgrade, Dejan Stojiljković, Feđa Štukan, Goran Petrović, Dušan Miklja, Muharem Bazdulj, Jovana Dišić, Jelena Bačić Alimpić, Mirjana Novaković, Dr. Nele Karajlić, Mario Liguori, Vuko Martinović, Vladimir Kecmanović, Uroš Petrović, Dejan Aleksić, Danica Vukićević, Jovan Adamov, Dušan Živić, Katalin Ladik, Bogica Mijatović, Nikola Škorić (series State job ), Miroje Burić, Rajko Milošević Gera, and many others, and the visitors were from Slovenia, Great Britain, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Hungary, the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Switzerland, France, Republika Srpska, etc.

PAK 2023 SZ 440 1 13122023 PAK 2023 SZ 440 13122023

For all events, from March 7th to 13th in the year 2023, the Novi Sad Fair had the help of partners and friends, and the importance of holding the Book, Art, and Fair of Education was recognized by:
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Education
Provincial Secretariat for Culture, Public Information, and Relations with Religious Communities
Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research
Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities - National Communities
City of Novi Sad
City Administration for Education
City Administration for Culture
Radio and Television of Vojvodina

About Fair

8th - 11th November 2024

Novi Sad Fair, Hall 1

Working time:


The year 2023 was extremely significant for the Novi Sad Fair - it marked 100 years of existence and organized the 90th international agricultural fair, as well as the 26th SJAJ international exhibition. Entering the second century of existence will not bring changes - the Novi Sad Fair will continue to be a place where you gain an advantage!

In 2024, the most glamorous event of the Novi Sad Fair, SJAJ, will be held from 8th to 11th November.

 SJAJ 2023 Hala 1a 880

For almost three decades, SJAJ has been a place of professional, guild, and business meetings, goldsmiths, and watchmakers, as well as all lovers of precious metals and gems. It offers a unique opportunity to present new technologies in the processing of precious metals, collections of precious and semi-precious stones, jewelry, and watchmaking.

SJAJ 2023 Nakit 440 SJAJ 2023 Nakit 1 440

Presentation content:

  • Gold and silver jewelry
  • Gems
  • Coins
  • Alloys
  • Solders
  • Engraving machines
  • Goldsmith's tools
  • Jewelry equipment
  • Alarm systems
  • Packaging
  • New technologies in jewelry-making

SJAJ 2023 Zlato 440 SJAJ 2023 Nakit 3 440

SJAJ 2023 Burme 440 SJAJ 2023 Ambalaza 440


  • Wristwatches
  • Pocket watches
  • Table and wall clocks
  • Advertising watches
  • Tools for watchmaking

 SJAJ 2023 Casovnici 440 SJAJ 2023 Oprema 440

A special part of the event is the quality assessment, where an expert Committee evaluates the quality of the exhibits, and the most successful exhibitors are presented with prestigious awards from the Novi Sad Fair.


Exhibition SJAJ in the year 2023

At the Novi Sad fair, the 26th international jewelry and watchmaking exhibition SJAJ lasted four days and was held from March 31 to April 3.

There were thirty exhibitors from three countries - Serbia, Poland, and Turkey.

Of the total number of registered visitors, 90 percent were professional audiences. Most of them were from Serbia, but also from Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Republika Srpska, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania and North Macedonia.

 SJAJ 2023 Hala 440 SJAJ 2023 Hala 2 440

Many business talks were completed during the four days, but some will continue after the fair gates close. SJAJ was primarily a place for the exchange of experiences and professional development, an exhibition of jewelry, semi-precious and precious stones, watches, equipment for piercing ears, machines and tools for jewelry and watchmaking, and equipment for displaying and packing jewelry and watches.

Technologies in the processing of precious metals, precious and semi-precious stones, as well as jewelry making, were presented. Machines for casting gold, grinding wedding rings, and other specialized machines intended for this activity were shown.

The exhibitors say that they are satisfied with the visit of the professional audience and the new contacts that they believe will grow into new businesses.

SJAJ 2023 Poseta 880

Awarded at SJAJ in 2023

At the International Jewelry and Watchmaking Exhibition SJAJ, awards were presented for the quality of the exhibits.
SPASIĆ WATCHES AND JEWELRY from Ćuprija was awarded two medals. They were awarded a gold medal for a set of earrings, while the Grand Gold Medal went to a ring called "Nail", made of 14-karat gold.

SJAJ Dodela 2023 880

The Gold Medal and the Great Gold Medal were won by ZLATARA ATINA from Niš, for a set of rings and earrings as well as for the production program of necklaces, both made of white and yellow gold.
The commission of the Novi Sad fair awarded ZLATAR JOVIŠIĆ from Novi Sad with a large gold medal for a ring called "Perućica".
ORAFI STANIMIROVIĆ FAMILY from Niš won the Grand Gold Medal for the "Free Love" set, which was made especially for this year's appearance at the fair, while the Gold Medal for the "Lara" set was awarded to the company TIM BEST DOO from Belgrade, for a unique example of a necklace and silver bracelets.


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